Collins wins 1st Miami Open as career nears end

Collins wins 1st Miami Open as career nears end

Collins Captures Emotional Victory⁢ at ⁣Miami Open

MIAMI GARDENS, Fla. – In a thrilling final match at the Miami Open, Danielle Collins captured the title in her​ home state, beating Elena Rybakina 7-5, 6-3. The 30-year-old Collins, who announced her retirement earlier⁣ this year due to endometriosis, was emotional as she lifted the trophy⁢ in front⁤ of a supportive crowd that included tennis⁢ legends Andre Agassi and Martina Navratilova.

Ranked No. 53​ and unseeded, Collins​ played with‍ passion and determination throughout the two-hour match, pumping her ​fist and engaging with the ⁤crowd. She ‌saved 10 of ‍the 11 break points she faced, ⁢while her opponent Rybakina struggled to keep up physically after playing ​four prior​ three-set matches in the tournament.

Collins, a two-time NCAA singles⁣ champion, had never ⁤had Agassi⁤ attend one of her matches before. “Andre ⁤was my [service] return idol,” ⁣she said. “I can’t tell you how much footage I’ve watched of Andre. When ​I saw​ him out ‍here, I almost teared up. It was⁤ surreal.”

With this victory, ⁢Collins becomes the lowest-ranked women’s champion at Miami ‌and will‌ move up ‍to 22nd⁣ in the rankings. She leaves with $1.1‍ million ​in ‍prize money and ⁤a newfound motivation to win more titles before her retirement.

“I⁤ feel this tournament is the most centered I’ve been,” she said. “It sounds ⁤a⁤ little yoga, hippy-dippy but‍ I think about ‍that stuff a lot.”

Collins’ win was met with an‍ outpouring of support from her fans, who have been with her throughout her tennis career. “To the fans, I’ve played a ‌lot of ⁤tennis, a few ⁢finals, and nothing close to this,” Collins said. “In my home state, to‍ come ⁢out here⁣ in front of thousands of my best friends pushing me to get over this ⁢hurdle, I was getting very ⁤emotional. It was an incredible environment. I’ve never experienced anything like ‍it.”

Collins’ Retirement ‌Motivates Her to Win Big

Collins’ impending retirement has ⁣given her a ⁣new drive to succeed on the court. “I ​feel this tournament is the most centered I’ve been,” ⁤she said. “It sounds a little yoga, hippy-dippy but I think about that stuff a lot.”

With this victory, Collins adds a Masters 1000-level title to her resume, the biggest of​ her career. ⁢She credits her ​focus and determination to her⁢ impending ​retirement, saying, “I ‍think about my ⁢legacy and what​ I want to leave behind. I want⁤ to win more titles and make the⁤ most ‍of my time on the court.”

Collins’ emotional victory‌ at the Miami ⁤Open is a testament to her resilience and determination. As‍ she celebrates with ‌her family and friends, she looks forward to enjoying Miami and taking a break from the tennis world. But ‍with her retirement on the horizon, she ⁤will ⁣continue to ‍push herself⁣ to achieve even greater success⁤ on the court.




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