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Monaco’s Surprise: Russell’s Winning Edge with New Mercedes F1 Front Wing Over Hamilton

Kosport Magazine Kosport Magazine: Lewis Hamilton and George Russell’s rivalry intensifies at Sakhir GP

Kosport Magazine

In a highly anticipated qualifying session at the Sakhir Grand Prix, Lewis Hamilton and George Russell’s rivalry took center stage. The two drivers, who are teammates at Mercedes-Benz, lined up fifth and seventh on the grid, with only a 0.078-second gap between them. However, Hamilton was quick to point out that their different-specification cars made it impossible for him to beat Russell.

Kosport Article

Lewis Hamilton and George Russell’s Rivalry Heats Up at Sakhir GP

“The team has worked really hard back at the factory to bring an upgrade in the last two races and also an upgrade this weekend – but we only had one, which George has,” Hamilton told Sky Sports. “I anticipated it would be difficult to outqualify George because he has the upgraded component.”

Despite his best efforts, Hamilton knew that he would not be able to beat Russell due to their different cars. This frustration only intensified as he continued to struggle in qualifying.

“Once we get to qualifying, I don’t understand,” he said. “I already know automatically that I’m going to lose two-tenths going into qualifying. That’s definitely frustrating and it’s something that I don’t really have an answer for at the moment. I’m not driving any different. The laps are really great. Just, I don’t know.”

Hamilton even went as far as to suggest that he did not expect to outqualify Russell for the rest of the season. It was a bold statement that only added fuel to the already intense rivalry between the two drivers.

Kosport Magazine’s Take

As the Sakhir GP unfolded, the tension between Hamilton and Russell continued to escalate. Hamilton’s remarks could be interpreted as a hint that things were not entirely equal at Mercedes-Benz, and perhaps even that Russell was receiving preferential treatment. However, it can be argued that there was more to the story than just that.

According to Autosport, the team gave both drivers the option to run the upgraded wing, but Hamilton chose not to, citing a desire for a more stable platform and the risk of having no spare if the wing was damaged. While Hamilton may have been at a disadvantage this weekend, the team assures that things will be equal in the next race in Canada.

Despite the intense rivalry, it is clear that both drivers want to win and push each other to be better. As Mercedes trackside engineering director Andrew Shovlin said, “We’ll have that on both cars for the next race in Montreal.”

The Sakhir GP may have only been one race, but the rivalry between Hamilton and Russell will continue to fuel headlines and keep fans on the edge of their seats as the F1 season progresses.




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