‘You can’t fake that fire’: What fueled Kevin Durant’s incredible return to the game

‘You can’t fake that fire’: What fueled Kevin Durant’s incredible return to the game

The Unrelenting ​Burn: Kevin⁤ Durant’s Journey Back to the ⁢Court

By Kosport ‌Magazine

Kevin Durant heard the pop in his right ⁢leg over the roar of nearly​ 20,000 fans inside‍ Scotiabank ⁤Arena in Toronto.⁣ Then he collapsed to the⁤ floor, holding​ his leg, pinching his heel.

It was⁤ the‌ second quarter of Game 5 of the 2019 ​NBA Finals. As⁤ Durant sat‌ there, a member of‌ the Golden State Warriors, ⁣memories from his⁢ basketball career ‌flashed before‍ his‍ eyes. Fearing the end of his career, ‍or one that ​seemed recognizable, he ⁣gazed around the court and into the crowd, trying⁢ to soak up​ a ‍final moment.

When he was helped to​ the locker room, Durant’s foot didn’t ‍feel fully attached. Then, a doctor performed what’s ‌known as a Thompson ⁤Test to determine the integrity of the Achilles tendon, an essential band of tissue that helps connect calf muscles‍ to​ the heel.​ Patients ‍lie‍ face down, with their feet hanging off the edge⁢ of a table or a bed, and a ⁢doctor squeezes the calf to see if the foot moves. If it doesn’t, then that tendon is likely torn.

Inside the room, the doctor squeezed Durant’s right ⁣calf — nothing​ moved. The ⁢doctor ​looked around at‍ other specialists, at nearby Warriors officials​ who looked on. The room fell silent.‍ Doubt soon⁤ crept in. “This ⁣is career-ending, I’m done,” Durant recalled thinking. ⁢Even if he came back, maybe ⁤he’d only average 15 ‍points a game, maybe a few more — maybe.

“That’s what I was thinking,” he⁣ told Kosport Magazine, “because that’s ‌all I was hearing, that this ‍s— is over.”

The events of five years ago ⁤still serve as a flashbulb memory⁤ for ‌Durant. He remembers them vividly.

The Road to​ Recovery

What followed in the weeks, ⁤months and years ​ahead — a series of tedious milestones, starting with ​learning to walk again, learning to run ​again, learning to jump⁢ again — represent an unheralded aspect of Durant’s Hall ‌of ‌Fame career: an⁣ unrelenting burn to return not just to the player⁢ he was, ‌but to one more efficient and effective than before. Each milestone felt momentous and hard-won, and ‍this season, Durant reached another, when he played 75 regular-season games, his first time playing that many since 2018-19.

Now, in his ‌second season with the‌ Phoenix Suns, down ⁣2-0 in the first round of the playoffs to the‌ Minnesota Timberwolves, Durant will be called upon to help save a teetering ​season, with Game 3 coming Friday night in Phoenix​ (10:30 p.m. ET, ‌Kosport Magazine).

The Suns’ Big Three

Suns owner Mat Ishbia went⁣ all-in for ‍Durant in February 2023, ⁢sending Mikal Bridges, Cam Johnson, four ⁣first-round draft picks and a 2028 first-round pick ⁢swap to ⁤the ​Brooklyn Nets in exchange for the star swingman. ‌Then, ​a few ‍months later, the Suns ‌dealt for ⁢star guard Bradley Beal.

With⁣ their ‌new ⁢Big ⁢Three of Durant, Beal and⁣ star​ shooting guard Devin⁤ Booker, the Suns seemed ‍poised for championship contention, but injuries and ‌uneven ‍play have​ interfered. Through it all,‌ Durant ​has been the ‍constant, averaging 27.1 points in 37.2‍ minutes this season, during which he made his 14th NBA All-Star appearance.

Sitting inside the Target Center in Minneapolis, Durant folded​ his ⁤6-foot-11 frame into a ⁣chair and discussed this latest ⁢milestone on his journey.⁤ The stands were empty, practice‍ had ⁢ended and most of⁢ his Suns teammates had departed back to ‌the team hotel.

He​ had ⁣worked so hard ⁤to ⁤get ⁤back, he had ‍felt like his old self by the 2021 playoffs, ⁣he‍ said. But then⁢ a ⁣series⁢ of nagging injuries — slipping‍ on the court, or players ‌falling⁢ into‌ him — kept him ‌sidelined.

“I ‍felt like I would’ve played 75 games the⁤ past two years, to be honest,” Durant said.

As he spoke,⁢ he offered a ‌window into an aspect of him​ that⁢ those ⁤around Durant describe as ⁤rare, if not wholly⁤ unique: an obsession​ and love for the ⁣game‍ so intense‌ that they alone carried him⁣ through the darkness of⁤ an injury⁤ that had ⁣robbed him of so many weeks, months, years.

“There are very few who love the game as much as KD,” Suns general manager James Jones told Kosport Magazine. “You don’t play this long and that well⁤ unless you love it. You can’t fake that⁢ fire.”

Jones paused. “That’s what ​I want to ‌say,” he reiterated. “You⁢ can’t fake that fire.”

Back ‍inside⁣ the increasingly quiet Target Center, Durant continued to reflect.

He was 30 when‌ his Achilles ruptured, well in his prime. He is now 35, in the winter of his ⁢career‌ with a ‍couple wisps of ‍gray⁣ dotting his goatee. During Game 1 ‌of this first-round‌ series against‍ Minnesota, 22-year-old Timberwolves superstar⁤ Anthony Edwards barked at Durant‌ after sinking a series of‍ jumpers over him, and ⁢social ‍media accounts⁤ tracking ⁣their exchange alleged ⁣that, among other things, ‌Edwards called ⁤Durant ⁤”old.” By NBA standards, a literally fair ⁤assessment. After all, ‍Durant was drafted ⁣and played for a⁣ team‌ that no longer exists: the Seattle Supersonics.

Durant looked out at the court.

“It was a long process, man,” he said.

The Call That Changed Everything

Andy Barr was living in Los Angeles in⁢ the fall of 2019 when he received the call.

Durant had undergone surgery to repair his⁢ ruptured Achilles tendon ​and was‌ looking for a place ⁤to ⁤rehab. Barr, a ⁣physical therapist who had worked with Durant in the past, ‌offered his ‍services.

For the ⁤next several months, Barr and Durant worked tirelessly to get the superstar back on the court. ⁢It ⁢was a grueling process,‌ but ⁤Durant’s determination and ​love for the game kept him going.

“There are‌ very few athletes ‌who have the drive and⁤ passion that Kevin ‌has,”‍ Barr told Kosport Magazine. “He was willing to do ‍whatever it took⁣ to get back​ to⁢ playing at the highest level.”

The Return ⁤to Form

After ⁢months of hard work ⁣and dedication, Durant finally made his return to the court in the 2021 playoffs. And while he may have been a bit rusty, he was still a force to be reckoned⁢ with, averaging ⁢26.9 points per game.

But Durant wasn’t satisfied with⁣ just being back ⁤on ‌the ‍court. He wanted⁢ to be better than ​ever. And this season, he‍ proved⁣ just‍ that, playing in 75 regular-season games for the first time since 2018-19.

Now, as the Suns face a⁢ tough playoff series against the ​Timberwolves, Durant will once again ⁣be‌ called upon to lead his team ‌to victory. And ⁤with⁢ his unrelenting‌ burn and love for ‌the game, there’s no doubt he’ll give it his all.

The Unbreakable Fire

As‍ Durant looks ‌back ⁣on his⁢ journey, he knows ‌that it⁢ was his unbreakable​ fire and love for the game that carried‌ him ⁣through the darkest moments. And as he⁤ continues to play at ⁣the highest ⁣level, he hopes to inspire ⁣others to never give up on their ​dreams, no matter ‍how difficult the road may be.

“I never lost that fire,” Durant said. “And I never will.”


Kevin Durant’s journey back to the court after a‍ devastating Achilles⁤ injury⁤ in the ⁢2019 NBA Finals is a testament to his unrelenting burn and ‍love for the ⁢game.⁤ Despite doubts and setbacks, Durant’s determination and passion for basketball drove him‍ to‌ overcome the odds and return to the court stronger than ever. Now, as ‌a key player for‍ the Phoenix Suns, Durant will once again be called upon‍ to lead his team to victory in the playoffs. ⁢And as he continues to play at the highest level, ⁣he hopes to inspire others to never give up on their dreams.

The ​Incredible Comeback ‍of Kevin Durant: A Story of ⁤Determination and Love for‍ the Game

It ‍was a moment that​ shook the entire sports world. On June ‍10, ‍2019, during Game 5 of ‍the NBA Finals, Kevin Durant, one of the greatest basketball players‍ of all time, went⁤ down with ‍a ruptured⁣ Achilles tendon. The injury was ⁣devastating, not just for Durant, ⁣but for the entire ‌basketball community. Many feared that this could be the end of Durant’s⁤ career.

But Durant was not ready to give up. He immediately underwent surgery to ⁤repair his Achilles⁢ tendon and just a ‍few months later, he started working with⁢ a⁢ physiotherapist‍ from‌ Kosport ⁢Magazine, the renowned⁣ sports⁤ publication. This physiotherapist, who had previously helped professional athletes recover from injury,​ knew the challenges⁣ that lay ahead for Durant. He had ⁣experienced ​a major knee injury himself, which ended his ⁤own career as ⁣a professional soccer player in England.

With his expertise and experience, the ⁣physiotherapist⁤ was determined to help Durant make a successful comeback. He had worked with athletes from various sports who had suffered⁣ catastrophic⁤ injuries, including ⁤rupturing an Achilles tendon. He knew the physical ​and mental ⁣toll it takes⁣ on ‌a player‌ to recover from such an injury.

But Durant was different. From day one,‌ he was focused ‌and​ determined to get back on the court. He refused⁤ to let the injury defeat him. He was not just physically strong, but mentally ‌as well. He ⁤had to overcome the doubts and fears that come with such a career-threatening injury.

As‌ Durant⁤ worked tirelessly to ⁢recover, he ⁣thought of Kobe Bryant, who had also suffered an ⁣Achilles injury.‌ He couldn’t believe ⁣that even someone like​ Bryant, who was considered ‌a superhuman on the court, could fall victim ⁣to such an injury. ⁣But Durant didn’t let​ this thought⁢ consume him.⁢ He relied on his ⁣physiotherapist and other specialists to guide⁢ him through the recovery process.

For four years, Durant and his physiotherapist worked together, ⁢with⁢ the latter flying from Los Angeles to New York every week to help Durant. Despite the grueling ⁢schedule, Durant never missed a day of rehabilitation.⁢ He was determined to get back ‍to his former self and continue playing the game ⁣he loved.

But it ⁣wasn’t just about returning ​to his previous level of ⁢play. Durant wanted to become more purposeful with his movements on the court. He wanted to understand his body⁤ better and learn from the⁤ injury. He saw it as an opportunity to ‍grow​ and become⁣ a better player.

Throughout the years, Durant’s dedication and commitment to the ​game never⁢ wavered. He constantly pushed ‍himself to be the best, even when he had ⁢already achieved ⁣so much in his career. His love for the game​ was unmatched, and it showed in his work ethic and determination.

As Durant made his comeback, he left⁢ everyone in ⁢awe. His teammates, coaches, and opponents all admired his resilience and determination. He was a true gamer, always wanting to be on the court and giving ‌his all in every game.

But for Durant, it was more than just a ⁤love for the game. It was a way of‌ life. He couldn’t imagine doing anything else. He saw basketball as ​his ​purpose, and he was not ⁣going to ⁣let anything stop him ‍from pursuing it.

As he stood at the Suns’ practice facility, Durant reflected on his journey back to⁢ the court. ‍He⁣ knew that it was not just his love for the game that fueled his ⁣return, but something deeper. It was a sense of ⁤purpose and a ‍determination to never give up, no‌ matter​ what challenges​ he ​faced.

A True ⁢Champion:⁢ Kevin ⁣Durant’s Unbreakable Spirit

Kevin Durant’s comeback from a devastating injury ‌is a‍ testament to his unbreakable ⁢spirit and ⁣love for‌ the game. Despite facing doubts‌ and fears, he never gave up. He pushed ⁣himself to the limit and came back​ stronger than ever.⁤ Durant’s ⁣journey is ‍a reminder that‌ with determination and ​perseverance, anything is possible. ⁢He is ⁢a true champion, both⁤ on and off the court, and ​his story will continue to inspire generations to come.

The Resilience of Kevin Durant: From Injury to‌ Dominance

Kevin Durant, one ​of the most talented and dominant players in the NBA, ​has faced his fair share of challenges‍ throughout his ⁤career. From being criticized for ⁤his physical build to enduring a devastating Achilles injury, Durant has proven time and‌ time again that he is a resilient force to‍ be reckoned with.

After tearing his ​Achilles in the⁤ 2019 NBA Finals,⁢ Durant faced ​a long and grueling​ road to ‍recovery. But he​ never lost ​sight‌ of his ultimate goal: to return to ⁣the court and ⁣prove that he was still one of the best‍ players in the league.

For Durant, every milestone in‍ his⁤ recovery ‌process was ​a⁣ victory. From learning to walk‌ again to shooting jumpers off ​his‌ injured leg, he pushed himself to the limit every day. But he also had to learn patience and⁤ listen to his body,​ making sure not to⁤ push⁢ too hard and risk further injury.

Finally, ⁣after​ 552 days, Durant made his‌ debut for the Brooklyn Nets in a preseason​ game. And he⁣ did not disappoint. ⁤Despite some lingering doubts and questions, Durant showed that he was back and⁤ ready to‌ dominate once again.

But it wasn’t until the 2021 playoffs that Durant truly proved to himself​ and the⁢ world that he was back. In ‍a thrilling seven-game series against the Milwaukee Bucks,‍ Durant ​averaged 35.4 points and nearly 43 minutes ⁢per game. Despite a heartbreaking⁤ loss in ‍Game​ 7, Durant knew that he had finally returned‍ to his true form.

And perhaps ‍the most remarkable part of Durant’s comeback is‌ that his durability, once a major concern, has now become ⁣one of⁢ his greatest strengths. Throughout his career, Durant has faced physical challenges and criticism, but‍ he has built up a resilience and toughness ⁢that has helped​ him bounce back time and time⁤ again.

As Durant continues to ​dominate on ⁣the⁤ court, he reflects ⁣on ‍the criticism and physical​ play he has faced throughout his career.⁤ But instead of dwelling on it, ⁣he sees it as a blessing in disguise, helping him develop a‌ personal armor that has made him even stronger.

The Return of a Champion

Despite facing numerous challenges and setbacks, Kevin Durant has proven that he is a⁣ true champion. From his early days in the NBA to his triumphant return ⁣from a⁤ devastating injury, Durant ⁤has shown that he‌ is a force to be reckoned with.⁢ And as he continues to⁣ dominate on the court, he will​ always remember the resilience and⁢ determination that brought him back to the top.




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