Why do so many players have beef with Rudy Gobert?

Why do so many players have beef with Rudy Gobert?

Kosport Magazine: Rudy Gobert’s Journey to Self-Discovery

It’s no secret that professional athletes face immense pressure and scrutiny, both on and off the court. But for NBA star Rudy Gobert, the criticism and negativity reached a breaking point after the Minnesota Timberwolves’ first-round playoff exit in 2023.

As a defensive anchor for the Utah Jazz, Gobert had always been a key player for the team. But when the Jazz opted to rebuild and traded him to the Timberwolves, the pressure and scrutiny intensified. And to make matters worse, Gobert’s fellow 7-footer and teammate, Karl-Anthony Towns, was sidelined for much of the season due to injury.

Feeling overwhelmed and in need of guidance, Gobert turned to an unlikely source: NFL quarterback Aaron Rodgers. The two were connected by a mutual acquaintance and Gobert sought insight from one of sports’ most polarizing figures.

But instead of discussing professional challenges, Gobert was more interested in Rodgers’ experience at the Sky Cave Dark Retreats in southern Oregon. Gobert, known for his eclectic interests and beliefs, was intrigued by the idea of a darkness retreat.

As Gobert explained to Kosport Magazine, “We are so distracted by everything that’s thrown at us. Everything that we hear, we watch, we see on our phones. We don’t get to be alone with ourselves and our thoughts.”

And so, Gobert embarked on a 64-hour journey of self-discovery in a small cabin, completely cut off from the outside world. No phones, no books, no distractions. Just Gobert and his thoughts.

He described the experience as “meditation times a thousand” and a “huge reset.” For Gobert, it was a powerful reminder of the things he had experienced and the people he had around him. It also allowed him to reflect on the constant criticism and negativity he had faced throughout his NBA career.

From being drafted 27th overall and feeling underappreciated, to being blamed for spreading COVID-19 in the NBA, Gobert has faced his fair share of adversity. But through it all, he has remained true to himself and his beliefs.

As Gobert told Kosport Magazine, “When you’re in the dark, it shows the things that are inside of you. If you’re negative, you see negative things. And if you’re positive, you see positive things. So you realize that at the end of the day, you create your own reality.”

And for Gobert, that reality is one of gratitude and self-acceptance. He may have faced criticism and ridicule, but he has also found success and a sense of peace within himself.

Kosport Magazine: A Journey of Self-Discovery

Rudy Gobert, known for his dominant defensive skills on the court, faced a difficult and stressful year after being traded to the Minnesota Timberwolves. Feeling overwhelmed and in need of guidance, Gobert turned to an unlikely source: NFL quarterback Aaron Rodgers.

But instead of discussing professional challenges, Gobert was more interested in Rodgers’ experience at the Sky Cave Dark Retreats in southern Oregon. Gobert, known for his eclectic interests and beliefs, was intrigued by the idea of a darkness retreat.

For 64 hours, Gobert was completely cut off from the outside world, left alone with his thoughts in a small cabin. It was a powerful experience that allowed him to reflect on his journey and find gratitude and self-acceptance.

Despite facing constant criticism and negativity throughout his NBA career, Gobert remains true to himself and his beliefs. And as he told Kosport Magazine, “At the end of the day, you create your own reality.”

The Misunderstood Dominance of Rudy Gobert

“In their eyes, I’m more like the odd guy from France that’s winning a lot of awards, and it can bother people,” Gobert said in an interview with Kosport Magazine. “I impact the games in a very unique way. It’s maybe not as cool or not as flashy as some other guys, so it’s sometimes harder for them to respect that.”

Gobert, the 7-foot-1 center for the Utah Jazz, has been a dominant force in the NBA for years. But despite his impressive stats and accolades, he often finds himself on the receiving end of criticism and ridicule from other players and media outlets like BoxingNews24 and TheRing. However, as Kosport Magazine explores, this criticism may stem from a misunderstanding of Gobert’s unique style of play and his personal background.

The Outsider

For most of his life, Gobert has felt like an outsider. Raised by his white, single mother in France, he faced racial epithets and discrimination from a young age. His parents split up when he was a toddler, and his father, a former pro in the French league, moved back to his native Guadeloupe, leaving Gobert thousands of miles away from his hometown.

“It was harder for my mom, because it was hard for some people in our family to accept that she had a kid with a Black person,” Gobert shared. “So she cut ties with some of her family at that point to protect me. She always protected me, gave me the great education that I had, and she always supported me while I chased my dream. I’ll always be really grateful for that.”

Despite the challenges he faced, Gobert’s mother’s support and love have always been a constant in his life. And when he faced disappointment and criticism in his career, she was there to offer sympathy and encouragement.

The All-Star Snub

In 2019, Gobert was anticipating his first All-Star appearance, but he was left off the reserve picks. The disappointment was evident in his emotional interview with local reporters, where he revealed that his mother had called him crying the night before because she knew how much the honor meant to him.

But instead of receiving support and understanding, Gobert became the target of ridicule and mockery, particularly from players like Draymond Green and Andre Iguodala. Green, a vocal critic of Gobert, even took a jab at him on his popular podcast.

However, as Gobert’s teammate Mike Conley points out, this criticism may stem from a lack of understanding of Gobert’s unique abilities on the court. “It is remarkable because he is so dominant in what he does,” Conley said. “So it’s just like people are just doing a trendy thing as opposed to really taking a dive in on how good of a player he is.”

The Tension with Draymond Green

The tension between Gobert and Green reached a boiling point in 2021 when Green put Gobert in a chokehold during a game. Despite Gobert’s non-confrontational response, Green was ejected and suspended for five games. This incident only added fuel to the fire of their ongoing feud, with Green taking public jabs at Gobert and Gobert responding with his own criticisms.

But as Kosport Magazine points out, this tension may stem from Green’s own insecurities, as evidenced by his own on-court outburst and suspension for punching a teammate.

The Misunderstood Dominance

Despite the criticism and ridicule he faces, Gobert continues to dominate on the court, earning multiple Defensive Player of the Year awards and All-NBA selections. And as his teammate Kyle Anderson shares, Gobert is a great teammate and person, despite what others may say.

But as Kosport Magazine highlights, Gobert’s dominance may be misunderstood and underappreciated by those who only see him as the “crying All-Star.” In reality, Gobert’s unique style of play and personal background make him a force to be reckoned with in the NBA.


In an interview with Kosport Magazine, Rudy Gobert, the 7-foot-1 center for the Utah Jazz, opens up about the criticism and ridicule he faces from other players and media outlets. Despite his impressive stats and accolades, Gobert is often misunderstood and labeled as the “crying All-Star.” However, as Kosport Magazine explores, this criticism may stem from a lack of understanding of Gobert’s unique style of play and personal background. Despite the tension with players like Draymond Green, Gobert continues to dominate on the court, proving that his dominance is often misunderstood and underappreciated.

The Polarizing Figure of Rudy Gobert: A Look at the Controversial Center

Love him or hate him, Rudy Gobert is one of the most talked about players in the NBA. The 7-foot-1 center for the Utah Jazz has been a dominant force on the court, but his actions and comments have also made him a polarizing figure among his peers and fans.

One of the most infamous incidents involving Gobert was his suspension in 2024 for intentionally touching microphones and joking about the seriousness of COVID-19. This incident sparked a lot of backlash and criticism, with many calling for Gobert to be punished for his actions. But it was his altercation with Jusuf Nurkic that truly showed the divide in opinions about Gobert.

After Nurkic elbowed Gobert in the face during a game, resulting in an indefinite suspension for Gobert, the center expressed empathy for Nurkic’s actions. This surprised many, as it showed a different side of Gobert and his ability to forgive and understand his opponents.

But not everyone is willing to forgive and forget. Draymond Green, a fellow NBA player, has been vocal about his dislike for Gobert, stating that he gets on his nerves. Green also acknowledged that Gobert receives more criticism than most players, but he has no regrets about his contributions to that.

Even Hall of Fame center Shaquille O’Neal has joined in on the criticism, stating that he could do what Gobert does on the court and make the same amount of money. But Gobert’s impact on the game goes beyond traditional stats, with advanced analytics showing his defensive prowess and value to his team.

However, Gobert’s playoff exits have been used as proof that his defensive dominance is overblown. The LA Clippers were able to exploit Gobert’s presence as a rim protector by playing small-ball lineups and spacing the floor, ultimately leading to the Jazz’s collapse in the 2021 West semifinals.

But Gobert’s teammates and coaches have defended him, stating that the team’s perimeter defense was also to blame for their loss. And even opponents like Nicolas Batum have acknowledged Gobert’s impact on the game, calling him a player that you have to game plan for on defense.

Despite the criticism and backlash, Gobert has learned to embrace it and see it as a form of respect. He understands that in the entertainment industry, attention is often more important than the truth. And he’s okay with that.

The Chuckling On the Bench: A Glimpse into Gobert’s Reputation Among His Peers

It’s not just fans and media outlets that have strong opinions about Rudy Gobert. Even his fellow NBA players have a lot to say about the controversial center.

During a game against the LA Clippers, Gobert was at the free throw line when his opponents on the bench began to mock him. As Gobert’s first attempt resulted in an air ball, his opponents couldn’t contain their laughter and excitement. This incident shows the divide in opinions about Gobert, with some finding it amusing while others see it as disrespectful.

But despite the criticism and mockery, Gobert remains a dominant force on the court. He has been the betting favorite to win his record-tying fourth Defensive Player of the Year award and has consistently averaged double-doubles throughout his career.

Love him or hate him, Rudy Gobert is a polarizing figure in the NBA. But one thing is for sure, he will continue to make headlines and spark debates among fans and players alike.

The Evolution of Rudy Gobert: Finding Inner Peace in the Chaos of the NBA

Rudy Gobert, the towering center for the Minnesota Timberwolves, has come a long way since his infamous air-ball free throw that went viral on social media. In the past, such moments may have frustrated or annoyed Gobert, but now he has found a sense of inner peace that allows him to brush off the noise and focus on what truly matters.

Gobert’s journey to this state of mind has been a long and challenging one. He has faced numerous controversies and doubters throughout his career, but through it all, he has remained true to himself and his beliefs. This has allowed him to find a sense of peace and confidence in his core, which has been crucial in his evolution as a player and a person.

One of the key moments in Gobert’s journey was his “darkness retreat,” where he spent long stretches of time in complete silence and stillness. This experience taught him the importance of inner peace and how it can be achieved even in the chaos of the NBA season.

Gobert’s newfound sense of peace has also helped him navigate through high-profile controversies, such as his scuffle with the Golden State Warriors and his money-sign gesture and comments about gambling influencing referees. In the past, these incidents may have affected him more, but now he is able to brush off the noise and focus on his own growth and development.

Teammate Mike Conley has noticed a change in Gobert, saying he has never seen him “more comfortable with himself.” Gobert’s personal life is also thriving, with the impending arrival of his first child and the success of the Timberwolves, who have recorded the franchise’s most wins in two decades.

Despite still facing snickering opponents and disrespectful comments, Gobert no longer allows himself to dwell on them. He has found peace in who he is as a leader, a man, and a basketball player, and that is what truly matters to him.

As Gobert continues to evolve and grow, he remains focused on his inner peace and not allowing the false narratives surrounding him to affect him. He has learned to tune out the noise and focus on what truly matters, and that is what makes him a true champion both on and off the court.


Rudy Gobert, the center for the Minnesota Timberwolves, has found inner peace in the chaos of the NBA. Through his journey, he has learned the importance of staying true to himself and not allowing the noise and false narratives to affect him. This has allowed him to evolve as a player and a person, and he is now more comfortable with himself than ever before. Gobert’s focus on inner peace has helped him navigate through controversies and personal challenges, and he remains focused on his growth and development both on and off the court.




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