Alexis Arguelllo Embodied Both the Fighting Instinct and Gentleman Boxer

Alexis Arguelllo Embodied Both the Fighting Instinct and Gentleman Boxer

Alexis Arguello: A Gentleman in the Ring

Kosport Magazine – Last Friday marked what would have been the 72nd birthday of boxing legend Alexis Arguello. It’s hard to believe that it has been almost 15 years since his tragic death in 2009 at the age of 57. As we reflect on his legacy, it’s clear that his presence is sorely missed in the sport.

Arguello was known for his class and sportsmanship, something that is often lacking in today’s boxing landscape. Take, for example, the recent Ryan Garcia-Devin Haney bout. While the fight itself was a success, the lead-up was filled with trash talk and pre-fight antics that left a bad taste in the mouths of many fans.

Now, I’m no prude – growing up in New York City will take that option off the table. But when the trash talk goes too far and is followed by a hug at the end of the fight, it not only makes all that “bad blood” seem contrived, but it also gives a negative image to a sport that could use all the new fans it can get.

Some may argue that this type of promotion is what made Garcia-Haney a success, and I won’t disagree. But there’s something to be said for fighters who live by the old adage of “act like you’ve been there before.” We need more fighters like Alexis Arguello, who always fought his opponents like they were bitter enemies in the ring but represented the sport like a gentleman before and after the fight.

Of course, there were times when his peers tried to get under his skin, like fellow legend Roberto Duran, who famously taunted Arguello before their potential fight. But even then, Arguello remained composed and focused on the task at hand.

In a 1998 interview, Arguello recalled a confrontation with Duran at Caesar’s Palace, where Duran hurled insults and even pushed him. But Arguello didn’t engage in the trash talk and instead walked away. Later, Duran apologized and admitted it was all just for publicity. This level of respect and professionalism is something that is sorely lacking in today’s boxing world.

Arguello-Duran would have been a legendary fight, and it wouldn’t have needed any pre-fight hype. And while Garcia-Haney was a highly anticipated matchup, the pre-fight antics overshadowed the actual fight. This is a common trend in boxing these days, and it’s not just limited to the sport. It’s




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