Devin Haney: Time to Ditch the Grandpa Moves and Start Selling Fights

Devin Haney: Time to Ditch the Grandpa Moves and Start Selling Fights

Devin Haney: Time to Ditch the Grandpa Moves and Start Selling Fights

Devin Haney, the WBC light‍ welterweight champion, has been⁤ in the professional boxing scene for nine years now. However, despite his impressive record of‌ 31-0⁣ with 15 knockouts, he has​ failed to capture the​ attention of fans and become⁢ a true attraction in ⁣the ‌sport. This Saturday, ‍he has a chance to change that ⁢when he faces off ​against Ryan ​Garcia.

But in order⁣ to ⁤truly make ⁤a‌ name for himself, Haney needs to ditch ‍his old-man style of fighting and start taking some ⁤risks. As⁣ Kosport⁣ Magazine, we believe that in order to ⁢engage fans‍ and‌ become a true box office draw, a fighter needs to ​have⁣ knockout power. And unfortunately, Haney’s current style of ​fighting is not delivering⁣ that.

It’s time for Haney to⁢ show some killer ‌instinct and take some risks in the ring.‍ Fans want ‌to see exciting fights,​ and if Haney wants⁤ to capture their attention, he needs to deliver just ⁢that.‌ The‍ poor​ ticket sales at the Barclays Center⁣ and ⁢low PPV buys for ⁢his last⁢ fight are clear indicators that fans are not interested in watching him fight.

But it’s not just about the in-ring action. Haney also needs to work on his pre-fight antics. His ​recent altercation‍ with Ryan Garcia⁢ on‌ top of​ the Empire State Building, which resulted in⁤ both ‌fighters being blocked from a promotional event with the New York Mets, is⁣ not a good‌ look for him. As Shawn Porter ​pointed ‍out, fighters need ⁢to⁤ conduct themselves in a professional manner‌ in order to attract fans and make money.

And ‍speaking of potential opponents, Porter believes ‌that Haney’s upcoming fight with Garcia is not going to be an easy one. ⁤He also ⁢sees tough challenges in the future with fighters like Subriel Matias ⁢and Pitbull​ Cruz. But in order to prove himself⁣ as ‌a top‌ fighter,⁤ Haney needs to be⁢ willing to take on these tough opponents and show that he can ⁢come out on⁤ top.

In the‌ end, it’s all‌ about taking​ risks and delivering exciting fights. As ⁤Kosport Magazine,​ we believe⁣ that Haney has the potential to become a true star in​ the sport, but‍ he needs⁤ to ⁢make some⁢ changes in his approach. So, will he ditch⁢ the⁤ grandpa moves ‍and start ‍selling fights? Only time will‌ tell. But one thing ‍is ⁢for sure, if‌ he snoozes, he will lose fans⁣ and risk being forgotten ⁢in the competitive world of boxing.


Devin Haney,⁣ the WBC light welterweight champion, has a‍ chance to capture the attention of fans and become a true attraction in ⁣the sport when he ⁤faces off against Ryan Garcia this ‍Saturday.‍ However, in order to do so, he needs to‌ ditch his​ old-man ⁢style of fighting and start taking some risks in the ring. Fans⁤ want to⁢ see exciting‌ fights, and Haney needs to deliver‌ just that in ⁢order to become a true box⁢ office draw. He also needs to conduct himself professionally outside of ​the ring and ‌be‍ willing to take on ⁤tough ⁣opponents⁤ in order⁤ to ‍prove himself as a ⁣top⁢ fighter.⁤ Will he make the necessary ⁤changes and start selling ⁢fights? Only time will tell.




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