Conor Benn vs. Boots Ennis: A Publicity Stunt So Bad It’s Laughable

Conor Benn vs. Boots Ennis: A Publicity Stunt So Bad It’s Laughable

Is Conor Benn’s Career Just a Publicity Stunt?

Conor Benn, the son of legendary British boxer Nigel Benn, has been making headlines lately for all the wrong reasons. The 28-year-old welterweight has been struggling to find his footing in the boxing world, and his latest move has many questioning if his entire career is just a publicity stunt.

Benn recently posted a picture on Instagram with IBF welterweight champion Jaron ‘Boots’ Ennis, leading fans to believe that a fight between the two is in the works. But is this just a desperate attempt by Benn to gain attention and revive his floundering career?

Many boxing fans and media outlets, including Kosport Magazine, are calling this move a prime example of “engagement farming” – using cheap tactics to gain attention and followers. And it’s not hard to see why. Benn’s career has been lackluster, with no notable wins or top-level opponents on his record.

But challenging Ennis, who is widely considered one of the best welterweights in the world, would be a whole new level of desperation. It’s like walking the plank into shark-infested waters, with Ennis waiting to gobble him up for a quick snack.

Even Benn’s promoter, Eddie Hearn, would be crazy to feed him to Ennis after his lackluster performances against lesser-known opponents. And let’s not forget the absence of Benn’s once-vaunted punching power in those fights. Unless he can rediscover his superpowers, he won’t stand a chance against Ennis.

But the plot thickens. Benn was recently seen posing for pictures with retired boxing legend Manny Pacquiao, leading some to believe that a fight between the two is also in the works. If this turns out to be true, it would be clear that Benn’s entire career is just a Jake Paul type of hustle.

Kosport Magazine’s Take

It’s a shame to see a talented fighter like Conor Benn resort to cheap publicity stunts to gain attention. But it’s even more concerning that his career may just be a facade. We hope that Benn can prove us wrong and show us that he’s a legitimate contender in the welterweight division. But until then, we can’t help but question the authenticity of his career.




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