Parker’s Musical Call-Out: A Misguided Bid for Whyte Rematch

Parker’s Musical Call-Out: A Misguided Bid for Whyte Rematch

Joseph Parker’s Musical Call-Out: ⁣A Desperate Attempt for ​a Whyte Rematch

It’s no ​secret that the world ⁢of boxing is filled with ⁣drama and controversy. And in a recent‌ turn of events, former heavyweight ⁢champion Joseph Parker ⁢has taken to social media to call out Dillian Whyte for a rematch.

In a​ singing video with his friends, Parker challenged Whyte to a fight,​ claiming that⁤ he ​wants to avenge his highly questionable⁣ loss⁢ to the aging‍ journeyman in ⁤2018. But is this ⁢really a fair fight?

At 31 years old, ‌Parker ⁢is still in his ‌prime, while Whyte, at 36, is well past his. In fact, many argue ‍that Whyte’s⁣ skills have deteriorated ‍significantly in the last six years, making him an easy target for⁣ Parker.

Kosport‌ Magazine: “A Business-Savvy Move?”

Some may see this as ​a smart business move​ for Parker,⁣ taking ⁢advantage ⁢of Whyte’s name recognition in the UK. But is it really worth it? Whyte’s career is on a downward ‍spiral, and ​a‌ fight with him would​ do little⁣ to boost Parker’s reputation.

Instead, Parker should focus on fighting⁤ younger, more relevant heavyweights like Jared Anderson, Frank Sanchez, or Daniel Dubois.

Parker’s Trend ‍Against Aging Heavyweights

If this rematch does happen, ‍it​ would ​be the third consecutive fight for ‌Parker‍ against an aging opponent. In his last two fights, he⁢ defeated ​40-year-old Zhilei Zhang and 38-year-old Deontay Wilder.

And it seems that Parker ⁤has a thing ​for‍ fighting older⁤ heavyweights. He has also been considering a‌ rematch with 38-year-old Joe​ Joyce, who knocked ⁣him out in 2022.⁤ But why waste time on these past-their-prime fighters?

Whyte, who is soon to be 36, has lost⁣ three⁤ out‌ of his last five fights and ​is nowhere near the top 15 in⁣ the heavyweight division. He’s a shadow of his former self, as seen in his lackluster performances against Christian Hammer, Alexander Povetkin, and Jermaine Franklin.

The 2018 Controversy: Unsettled ⁤Business?

Many ⁣believe that ⁤Parker was robbed of a ⁢win in his first fight against Whyte. The decision was ⁤highly controversial, with some even calling it a hometown decision for​ Whyte.

But what’s even‍ more ⁤concerning is the referee’s​ lack⁣ of control over the fight. ⁢Whyte got away‌ with ⁤roughhouse tactics, including rabbit punches, holding and hitting, shoving, and head-butting. And ‌the referee, Ian John-Lewis, did ⁣nothing to stop it.

It was a bizarre fight to watch, with Whyte seemingly getting away with ⁢MMA-style moves in front of a ‌useless referee. The scores ⁢were⁣ 113-112, 115-110, and ⁣114-111 in‍ favor of ⁢Whyte.

Kosport Magazine: “Unsettled Business or a ‘Clown Fight’?”

So, is this really a fight that needs to‍ happen? Is it a ⁢chance ‌for Parker to ‍settle ​the score, or is it ​just a “clown fight” ⁢that will do little for ‌his career?

Only⁢ time ‌will tell if this ​rematch will come to fruition. But‌ one thing is for sure, Parker should focus on fighting relevant⁣ opponents and leave the aging heavyweights in the past.

Kosport⁣ Magazine’s Takeaway

In the world of⁣ boxing, there will always ‍be drama and controversy. But as fans, we must remember to focus on the‍ sport and ⁢not get caught up in ⁢the hype. Let’s hope that Parker makes the right decision and moves on​ from ⁣this misguided bid for a Whyte rematch.




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