Tszyu Unfazed By Change Of Opponent To Fundora After Overcoming Dog Bite

Tszyu Unfazed By Change Of Opponent To Fundora After Overcoming Dog Bite

Tim Tszyu Overcomes Dog Bite to Face Sebastian ⁣Fundora at ⁢T-Mobile Arena

Tim Tszyu has faced many challenges in his boxing career, but ⁣none quite like being‍ bitten‌ by a dog ​just⁢ weeks⁢ before⁤ his scheduled fight against Carlos Ocampo. However, the Australian fighter has⁣ proven time and time again that he is a true‍ champion, and he is ready to take on his new opponent, ⁢Sebastian Fundora, at the T-Mobile Arena in Las ​Vegas on Saturday.

At 29 years old, Tszyu is no⁣ stranger to overcoming setbacks. In fact, he has become conditioned‍ to them after his recent dog ⁤bite incident, which required surgery and 26 stitches. Despite this setback, he still managed to⁤ defeat Ocampo in the first round of​ their fight in June 2023.

Now,​ with just ​a week’s notice, Tszyu will face⁣ Fundora for⁢ the WBO and WBC light-middleweight titles. Fundora, who is nine years younger ⁣than Tszyu, presents a completely different ⁣challenge for the WBO champion. But as Tszyu says, “to be great, you’ve got to do ⁢things that no one else does.”

When Tszyu‌ learned that his original opponent, Keith Thurman, had to withdraw due ​to injury, he didn’t let it faze him. He simply shifted his‍ focus to Fundora and continued his intense training. “This is not a setback,” he says confidently. ⁢”I’m focused, zoned in, and healthy.”

But the change in opponent isn’t⁤ the only challenge​ Tszyu has faced. As a result of the last-minute switch, he will also be paid less by promoters Premier​ Boxing ⁤Champions (PBC). However, Tszyu remains unfazed and is grateful for the opportunity to fight on the first PBC card with their new ‌broadcasters, Amazon ⁢Prime.

Despite the challenges, Tszyu is determined to come out ⁣on top and continue his journey towards becoming a world champion. “The dream remains ​the same,” he says. “I’m still doing it. I’m still living my life.”

Kosport Magazine: Tszyu’s Unwavering Determination

Tim Tszyu’s upcoming fight against ⁣Sebastian Fundora at the T-Mobile ⁣Arena is a testament to his unwavering determination and resilience. Despite being‍ bitten by a dog just ​weeks before the fight and facing a last-minute⁤ change in⁢ opponent, Tszyu remains ⁤focused and ready to take on any challenge that comes his way. He is a ⁣true ‍champion in every sense of the word, and we⁤ can’t wait to ⁢see him in action on Saturday.




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