Ryan Garcia: From Pretty Boy to Psycho Killer?

Ryan Garcia: From Pretty Boy to Psycho Killer?

Ryan Garcia: From Pretty Boy to Psycho Killer?

Ryan Garcia, the rising star in the world of boxing, is known for his good looks and flashy style. But as his upcoming fight against WBC light welterweight champion Devin Haney approaches, Garcia’s demeanor has taken a dark turn.

In a recent interview, Garcia expressed his desire to “kill” Haney in the ring and leave him on a stretcher. This level of aggression is a far cry from his usual charming persona, but it shows that Garcia is not one to be messed with.

So what caused this sudden change in attitude? It seems that Haney may have said something to provoke Garcia, and now the young boxer is out for revenge. But is this all just part of the promotion for their fight, or is Garcia truly on the edge?

Some may argue that provoking someone who is already mentally unstable is a dangerous game. When someone snaps, they become unpredictable and can do anything. And with Garcia’s recent statements, it’s clear that he is not in a stable state of mind.

But let’s not forget that Haney is no pushover. He has also been talking trash and making threats towards Garcia, which may have pushed him over the edge. It’s a classic case of two fighters trying to get into each other’s heads before the big fight.

However, Garcia’s words seem to come from a different era. His talk of “killing” his opponent and leaving no crumbs behind is reminiscent of a time when boxing was a much more brutal sport. And while this may just be a tactic to hype up the fight, it’s definitely taking things to another level.

But Garcia doesn’t seem to care. In fact, he seems to relish in the idea of causing harm to Haney. He even went as far as to say that he hopes Haney’s father will be ringside to witness his son being put on an oxygen mask.

It’s clear that Garcia is not holding back in his intentions for this fight. He’s not just looking to win; he wants to dominate and destroy his opponent. And with his impressive record of 24 wins and 20 knockouts, he certainly has the skills to back up his words.

But let’s not forget that Haney is also a formidable opponent. While he may not have knocked anyone out since 2019, he is still the reigning WBC champion and has a record of 25 wins and 15 knockouts. This fight is shaping up to be an intense battle between two talented fighters.

So what can we expect from this fight? Will Garcia’s aggressive talk translate into a dominant performance in the ring, or will Haney prove to be too much for him to handle? Only time will tell, but one thing is for sure: this is not just a boxing match for Garcia. It’s a chance for him to unleash his inner “psycho killer” and prove that he is a force to be reckoned with in the world of boxing.


Ryan Garcia, the rising star in the world of boxing, has taken a dark turn in his demeanor as he prepares to face WBC light welterweight champion Devin Haney. Garcia has expressed his desire to “kill” Haney in the ring and leave him on a stretcher, showing that he is not one to be messed with. But is this all just part of the promotion for their fight, or is Garcia truly on the edge? Only time will tell, but one thing is for sure: this is not just a boxing match for Garcia. It’s a chance for him to unleash his inner “psycho killer” and prove that he is a force to be reckoned with in the world of boxing.




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